Various creations aimed at amateur radio use
.. .......Computer Aided Transceiver per YAESU FT 911A con AT-Mega 2560 & display TFT 480 x 320 Specification .


Transceiver Bitx40 with AT-Mega328P.. Specification ......................Version with display TFT touch-screen , Arduino Mega 2560 Specification


Modulator and demodulator for CW with Arduino Nano Specification......................................................Concourse self-construction

... Above complete project in operation Packet :::::::::::::::....::::::::::::::Screen in operation APRS........ ........................................................... It is a stand alone TNC with the Arduino Mega and visualization on a 480 x 320 graphic display . Connects the RTX directly to the Arduino board with a few additional components: designed to display APRS traffic. Version with the map where the various stations are displayed via coordinates with the NMEA protocol. The display takes place on a 480 x 320 TFT screen. Using a switch you can switch from map display to packet traffic display and vice versa. As you can see in the photo only part of Tuscany is displayed, this is to avoid reducing the map too much and making the various locations illegible. Specification

SWR - POWER Meter : Measures from 1 mW to 1 KW and SWR up to 1 to 4 after which it signals ++++ (Danger!!): project taken from the site www.i6dvx Vittorio Carboni . Specification
Sweep--Marker : Programmable signal generator from 1 MHz to 30 MHz . Specification


Packet - APRS : Description of the various models created

Transceiver : RTX made for 9,600 bit/sec packet. (Matiaz Vidmar). Consisting of 5 modules: antenna switch, exciter transmitter, final transmitter, RF part receiver, IF part receiverte IF



Transverter 50/144 MHz : from RadioRivista Specification ................................................. from CQ elettronica Specification



Realization at 1296MHz : transverter 1296/144 MHz ................................................................................................. Linear 1296 Mhz 2,5 W Specification


..................................... Generator of signals at 1295 Mhz ............................................................................Same as my 1296 Mhz

SWR Meter :Power /SWR measurement with built - in frequencymeter .


Coil Tester Specification

Antenna Analyzer third version : The main modification is that the display of the antenna surface varies with the band framed by a graphic (vedi photo). The sound frequency range generated by a DDS module AD9851 is responsible for scanning the amateur radio band up to 30 MHz. This means that there is an immediate response to the antenna signal on the desired band. Please maintain the measures reactance and impedance . Specification .....

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Altra realized with the logic part present in the ATMEGA 328P ed used as DDS module AD9951. Altra modification will keep the management of the graphic display written with the input data serially that is consented to piloting with only one line other than naturally by mass and power supply. For the rest, as if you can see the electrical diagram, the analog part still maintains the previous version precedente . Specificatione...................

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Antenna analyzer : project taken from the site I refer for electrical schemes and information for assembly. Created and tested in collaboration with the members of the Ari section of Scandicci. Indispensable to calibrate the antennas . Specification


Second version antenna analyzer : The digital part has been changed to have the indication on the display beyond frequency, the impedance the switch and reactance. This requested the redesign of the digital part with the use of Pic 16f876-20 .
PIC 16F876-20.

Specification ...........................................